Redfin - Property Details for 5047 BRONCO CT
It is being sold at a loss and the photos in the listing are the photos we listed the house with. That is our patio set in the backyard pictures and it is in Washington right now. I wonder if there are any rights to the images that the our agent would hold. I wonder if the yard still looks like it does in the picture. I bet it doesn't.
Reviewing the listing, you'll note that the washer, dryer and refrigerator are all going with the seller. We left all of those in the house. Hmm. Maybe that is how she is going to make up her $20,000 loss. Nah, they were nice appliances, but not that great.
On a side note, Redfin is a very cool realtor site. It has a map interface (I think Microsoft's mapping solution) that highlights listings that meet your search criteria. That is the way I like to search now that map data is readily available on the internet. It is only limited to the Seattle area and the Bay Area, but those are the areas I'm most interested in.
A house in the Bay Area selling at a loss? What's the world coming to?! I like the recycling of the photo of your patio set. Better check your backyard to make sure it's still there. happy you left? :) I can't believe it's selling at a loss. Couple the lower purchase price with the additional 3% payment to the realtor (that you don't necessarily feel when buying) and they're losing a tidy sum. I can't imagine how depressed I'd be
Redfin is sweet. It saved our lives while we were looking for our new place. The real estate agent wasn't that proactive in finding stuff for us, so Redfin gave us tons of leads and helped us land the house we have now.
The California market has gotten softer and Antioch is pretty far out (I think it is a slight strech to call it the Bay Area), so it is feeling the crunch more and sooner.
We learned while we were there it was easier to fly out of Sacramento than Oakland!!!
We left at just the right time, probably now, we wouldn't be able to leave. I couldn't swallow that kind of a loss.
Make that realtor fee 5-6% for the seller in the Bay Area. Also, let's not forget it's really $30,000 less (we gave them $10,000 back cash out of the price so they could finance their non-verified income). I guess i can't blame them for keeping our goodwill washer/dryer, frig, and swingset. Their interest rate probably went ballastic. So glad we got out when we did! Kisses!
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