Monday, March 15, 2010

My Kids and Jello, Biafra that is

Warning: This post contains links to hardcore punk rock, which might aurally offend some of my fairer readers. In most office places, schools and churches, this music might not fit in. Just don't click on the links, they aren't necessary for the story. And if The Dead Kennedys fit in your office place and you need an MBA with Supply Chain Management experience drop me a line!

Yesterday, as I was driving the kids home from swim practice, we were listening to Moon Over Marin by the Dead Kennedys.

Kid 2 says from the backseat, "Is this guy part goat?" I had to smile, because I can hear where she's coming from.

If you haven't already, click on the link. I'll wait, while you listen. Listen to the way his voice warbles on the long drawn out words. Can you hear the goat, that my daughter hears?

We drove on and Kid 1 said, "Hey, isn't this the guy who sings..." As the gears in his head were turning, I fatherly pride started to build up. "... Holiday in Cambodia?" Even though we were driving at highway speeds, I gave my son a high five.

Yes, my son recognized The Dead Kennedys. How cool is that.

Shortly thereafter, the playlist moved ahead to a Jay-Z and Alphaville mashup, Young Forever. Yes, Alphaville from your high school prom (I didn't go to mine, so I can't be sure if it was the song at my prom). Its pretty cool. I won't put a link to it, since my warning message was all about hardcore punk, which Jay-Z and Alphaville most certainly are not.

But what was really cool, was that my daughter was signing along with the Alphaville part! It might be "recycled" but if old is new, it's still cool when we can share a musical moment.

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