Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Serial killer or just cold?

This one is for you, Helen.


Anonymous said...

You know, I'm thinking more along the lines of burglar. I'm not feeling the anger like in the other one. ;D

Erik said...

I'll have to agree with that - this one, you look like you're trying not to laugh (maybe I just know your expressions too well). And what's that on your left shoulder? serial killers definitely don't have fuzzy scarves, or raccoons, or whatever that is...

Beau said...

Oh yes serial killers do have those! That is the head of a little boy!

Well, in this case, it is still attached to his body.

Good call on the laughing, as the pictures that aforementioned little boy was taking just didn't capture the serial killer in me. He got one that had the gloves, but it didn't have my head!